Przemysław Blejzyk.Urodzony w Łodzi w 1988r.
Absolwent Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Władysława Strzemińskiego w Łodzi (2012).
Artysta zajmujący się studiowaniem procesów formalnych w malarstwie, muralu oraz sztuce cyfrowej.
W oparciu o studiowanie mechanizmów natury i pejzażu, tworzy wieloelementowe kompozycje poszukując nowego sposobu przedstawiania rzeczywistości w sztukach wizualnych.
Mieszka i pracuje w Gdyni
Przemysław Blejzyk, Born in 1988 in Łódź.
Graduate of Graphic Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, PL.
Artist engaged in the study of formal processes in painting, mural and digital art.
Based on the study of the mechanisms of nature and landscape, he creates multi-element compositions seeking a new way of representing reality in visual arts.
He lives and works in Gdynia
Przemek Blejzyk aka Sainer is a contemporary studio painter whose work has a strong, undeniable connection with painterly tradition and history. He has built his name as one of the more accomplished muralists of the past decades, but his current interests and practice have almost no connection with this part of his artistic journey. Instead, looking at the legacy of renowned Impressionists and Fauvists, and influenced by modern-day aesthetics, he is building a distinctive oeuvre that merges their profound perception with the sensory overload and hyper-vibrancy of the 21st century. (Sasha Bogojev)
I am more interested in describing the times through contemporary mechanisms of vision. When I draw landscapes in my sketchbooks, I sometimes combine a couple of them on one page to create one composition made out of different views connected by a relation of colors. The screens on our computers, TV sets, or smartphones, are divided into multiple windows that we see at the same time. Rather than reproducing the icons that surround us, I want to explore contemporary painting through the way we consume images. (Sainer)
Wystawy indywidualne / Solo exhibitions
2023 KOLOOR, National Museum in Gdansk, Poland
2022 Kolorytm, Contemporary Art Center Hangar 107, Rouen, France
2019 Modulations, Brain Damage Gallery, Lublin, Poland
2017 Chaotic Harmony, Openspace Gallery, Paris, France
2013 Neverland, Itinerrance Gallery, Paris, France
Wystawy grupowe / Group shows
2024 We Are Here, Petit Palais - Fine Arts Museum of Paris, Paris, France
2024 Loading. L’art urbain à l’ère numérique, Grand Palais Immersif, Paris, France
2023 Polyreality, Hive Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China
2022 Retransmission_, Mirus Galler, Denver, USA
2020 Papers Please, Colab Gallery, Weil am Rhein, Germany
2018 Homeless, Void Projects, Miami, USA
Works on paper, Beers Gallery, London, UK
Scope Art Show, Colab Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Nowy Porządek, Centrum Praskie Koneser, Warsaw, Poland
2km3, Saint Gervais les Bains, France
2015 LA Art Show, Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2014 A Major Minority, 1AM Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2013 L’Avenir, Shooting Gallery, San Francisco, USA 2013 POW! WOW!, Museum of Art, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
2012 Urban Art 2, wystawa grupowa, Galeria Rempex, Warsaw, Poland
Stroke 6, wystawa grupowa,, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Munich, Germany
4560 - Urban Art Show, Stadtgalerie Saarbrucken, Saarbrucken, Germany
ARTUR-Exposicaon De Arte Urbana, LAC, Lagos, Portugal
Unfrisierte Gedanken, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Munich, Germany
2011 Stroke 5, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Urban Art, Galeria Rempex, Warsaw, Poland
Stroke Warmup, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Leipzig, Germany
Stroke 4, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Munich, Germany
Public Provocations III, Carhartt Gallery, Weil am Rhein, Germany
Come Inside, Soho Factory, Warsaw, Poland
Street art vs Graffiti, Lipowa13 Gallery, Lublin, Poland
2010 Die Neue Avantgarde, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Munich, Germany
Stroke 2, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Munich, Germany
Public Provocations II, Carhartt Gallery, Weil am Rhein, Germany
Stroke 3, Intoxicated Demons Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Wystawy Etam Cru / Etam Cru shows
2015 Galimatias, Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2014 Bedtime Stories, Varsi Gallery, Rome, Italy
Ugly Heroes, Montana Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2013 Not High Enough, Artifex Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
2012 Mind Trip, Inoperable Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2011 Primaprilis, Sfinks, Sopot, Polska
2010 Double Trouble, Galeria BARAKA, Cracow, Poland